
Saturday, 26 May 2012

Turbo C++ for Windows 7

I found several students asking how to run Turbo C compiler in full screen in windows Vista, 7 or higher version. Well here is the solution for them "Emulated Turbo C++ (Supporting IDE 3.0)". This Tool is lighter, faster and more stable. You can run Turbo C++ through this tool on windows vista and windows - 7 (32 & 64 bit). It also supports i3, i5 & i7 processor.

Updated Feature:
  1. Support Intel's new range of processor (i3, i5 & i7).
  2. Keyboard & mouse sticking issues solved.
  3. Problems in saving the files solved.
  4. Problems faced during compiling solved.
  5. Added support to more keyboards.

  1. Download Turbo C++ compiler and install it (make sure you don't change location of any files or folders, especially in ‘C:\TC' folder).
  2. Now Download and install Emulated Turbo C++.(Password is: mohitsaxena) Click Here
  3. Installation of this software is easy. It’s just next-next-finish.
  4. Now open the Emulated Turbo C++ from desktop shortcut. Enjoy

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