
Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Facebook's New Graph Search

Facebook evolved from a social network to a social toolkit when it launched Graph Search on Tuesday. It can now help pinpoint, for instance, job candidates, restaurant recommendations, potential dates and vacation destinations.

Facebook's entry into search takes the opposite approach of Google's entry into social. Instead of staking its claim in a new category as Google+ did, Graph Social at least for now expands Facebook's role in the social category.

Graph Search leverages Facebook's social data to pinpoint any combination of people, places, photos and interests. It is designed to field queries such as “photos of my best friend” or “friends of friends who like my favorite band and live in India” or “Indian restaurants in New York that friends from India like."

Turning Facebook's social graph into a social tool could be valuable for advertisers because searches often proceed purchases. If I search for which cars my friends like, there's a good chance that I'm in the market for a car. Combine that with other information Facebook has about me.

The user experience has some inherent limitations. It only will return results for data that is public or visible to you. If not many of your friends fill out their interest categories or have a “Liking” habit, your results might be thin, and if their metadata is wrong so are your search results

Whether Search Graph becomes one of Facebook's most valuable assets or biggest flops depends on users' willingness to migrate their searches away from old niche standbys and onto a one-stop shop.

But no matter what happen in future, Presently Facebook is definitely on the top.

Some Photos from Facebook Graph Search Product Launch.


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